Mawlavi Ezatullah Haqani, Deputy Auditor General (Financial and Compliance Audit) and Acting Auditor General of Afghanistan met with the Dputy Governor of Nangarhar province
Mawlavi Ezatullah Haqani, Deputy Auditor General (Financial and Compliance Audit) and Acting Auditor General of Afghanistan met with the Dputy Governor of Nangarhar province on 17/12/2022, regarding the audit of Nangarhar Canal and other related local entities. The Deputy Auditor General explained the role and importance of audit in improving transparency, accountability and good governance in government entities and emphasized the cooperation of the entities and relevant authorities with audit teams during the course of audit. Mr. Haqni also emphasized on the attention of the relevant authorities in the collection of revenues and the execution of government expenditures in transparent manner.
The Deputy Governor of Nangarhar welcomed the Deputy Auditor General and ensured the full cooperation of the local authorities with the audit teams of Supreme Audit Office.