Tue, Jul 13 2021 4:13 AM

The Audit Report on Implementation and Effectiveness of the Operation and Maintenance Policy for the Properties of Public Entities.

The Supreme Audit Office has audited the operation and maintenance policy of public properties at the Ministry of Finance and other budgetary entities considering the following issues:

 To assess the method of establishment the system for registering the properties, categorization of the properties and to identify the properties of the state entities at the country level.

 To ensure the method of calculating the realistic estimation of the operation and maintenance expenditures of budgetary organizations.

 To ensure the conformation of the operations and maintenance expenditure with the existing framework of public fiscal management for the purpose of better planning, execution, and monitoring of the operation and maintenance expenditures.

The policy for operation and maintenance of public properties generally focus on the accuracy and preciseness of the budget. Implementing this policy may improve the performance of the government.

The report of the mentioned audit has been published intended for the awareness of the citizen and it is accessible through the following link.

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