The Role of Audit and Citizens in Integrity and Accountability

Tue, Aug 25 2020 8:35 AM

To ensure further integrity and accountability and brining reform in the public entities, the SAO has facilitated the registration of grievances, suggestions and feedbacks of civil society organizations, media and citizens

            As the People and citizens have no direct access to information and figures, the SAO has made it easy for the citizens to participate in the audit of public entities through providing constructive/effective suggestions and opinions.

With the presence and participation of citizens and media institutions, the SAO has implemented the suggestions and opinions of citizens through participatory audit and publishes its report through social media for the awareness of citizens.

            Therefore, the Citizens can register their complaints, suggestions and comments through online and written by grievance registration form available in the SAO website and the grievance box created at the SAO; to play their role as a responsible citizen in the transparency and accountability of public organizations.

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